Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Liebster Award

I am so honored to have been chosen by Ani for the Liebster Award!

The rules are: I have to answer the questions, come up with ten of my own, and nominate other bloggers with under 200 followers. This shouldn't be too hard...

  • If you could have any literature, movie, or TV show character’s wardrobe, who would it be?
  • Ariel from The Little Mermaid. I love her dresses (not so much her shells.)
  • Where would you most like to vacation (it can be fictional)?
  • I'd love to go to Corona, the kingdom from Tangled.
  • If you could take a class on anything, what would you teach?
  • If I could take one? Singing. I've always wanted to be able to. If I could teach one? Fairy tales!
  • What’s your favorite flower?
  • Ever since I saw them when I went outside, I really love tulips.
  • What’s your favorite flavor of ice cream?
  • Chocolate!
  • If you were a Disney princess, what would you be?
  • Anna, I guess. I sort of am her, but then I'm also not, so... 
  • What’s your favorite breakfast?
  • Breakfast sandwiches!
  • What’s your favorite kind of weather?
  • Sunny and cheerful and warm, so I can go outside!
  • If you had a $10,000 giftcard to any store, what store would it be?
  • The Disney Store. Buy ALL THE TSUM TSUMS!
  • What’s your ideal music playlist?
  • Disney music played instrumentally.

    I nominate: Winnie at Winnie's World and Queen Elsa at A Doll's Life for Me!
    Your questions are:
    1. If you could be an animal, what would you want to be and why?
    2. What is your favorite kind of tea (if you have one)?
    3. Would you rather where fuzzy socks or cute sandals?
    4. What is your favorite memory from blogging?
    5. Do you have a hidden talent?
    6. How were you found/ purchased?
    7. How do you feel about thrift stores?
    8. What is your favorite thing to learn about?
    9. What is your favorite song?
    10. What Disney moment makes you cry?

    Thank you Ani and good luck to my new awardees!


    Saturday, October 24, 2015

    September 3, 2015

    "It's still cloudy!" I exclaimed as I gazed out the window at the steely blue gray sky.

    "I've waited and waited to go outside, but it just stays cloudy." Sighing, I turned from the window. A friendly face greeted my dissappointed one.

    "I bet I could - erm, that is, I have an idea to make staying inside more bearable," Kristoff said sincerely.

    I couldn't help but cheer up at the sight of my friend. Taking his hand, I let him lead me to Sven and Olaf.


    "Okay," Kristoff addressed us, "Who here is up for some free reindeer rides?"

    "Oh, that is so me," Olaf exclaimed. Kristoff shot him a look that I couldn't quite decipher. "Oh! Right! Umm, Anna, you should go first."

    "I guess I will! Thank you, Kristoff." I perched on Sven's back and hooked my feet through the straps on his harness; Kristoff led us as our guide with Olaf right beside him.

    Together, we walked all over the first floor. Talking, laughing... just generally enjoying each others' company.

    It felt wonderful to spend more time with the people (doll, snowman, and reindeer) that I care most about without any distractions. I even forgot that I was stuck inside! We walked around until dark, when I noticed that Sven was getting tired, so I patted his hea and hopped off.

    "Hey, Kristoff... thank you." I patted him on the shoulder.

    I had this sudden, insne urge to hug him. After all, he had just made my day! I put my arms up and stepped towards him...

    ... then thought better of it. Kristoff wouldn't like that. It would seem forward, or maybe even flirtatious, which was NOT how I wanted to come across. Quickly, I pulled back and turned away.

    "You're welcome," he answered quietly. Funny, he almost sounded sad.

    "I... should go," I stammered. And that was the end of that.


    Tuesday, September 29, 2015

    August 19, 2015

    I am thrilled to announce the second Just Anna Book Club meeting! Olaf and I will be discussing two new books this time (and once again there may be spoilers.) Ready to go?

    My book was Just Ella by Margaret Peterson Haddix and Olaf's was If You Met Snow White by Margo Lundell.

    Me: Why did you pick this book, Olaf?
    Olaf: Well, when you read that Snow White book last time I wanted to learn more about her character so I decided to read this.
    Me: I can't believe I inspired you, that's so great! Okay, what was your favorite part?
    Olaf: I love the picture of Snow wading.

    Olaf: What got you to read Just Ella?
    Me: MyLittleMegara actually met the author and was very excited about it. I overheard her talking about it and asked if I could borrow it. I'm glad I did!
    Olaf: What did you like the best?
    Me: I loved the part near the end where Ella realizes how wrong she's been about palace life and decides to take her destiny into her own hands, making the best out of an awful situation.

    Have you read either of these books? Do you have suggestions for next time? Answer in comments and remember -- thank you so much for joining us at the Just Anna Book Club!


    Friday, September 11, 2015

    August 4, 2015

    It was evening, and Olaf and I had spent a nice day laughing and reading and exploring and playing games. After our wonderful adventures, we had climbed up onto the mantel and were settling in for a nice long chat when I began to gesture wildly while speaking. (I do this sometimes, and often find it embarrassing.)

    My motions became too flamboyant and I lost my balance. Rather than stopping my fall, my stand caught my leg and, as I wrenched it away, I fell off of the small ledge.

    In the space of one second, I thought that this was what it must be like to be Alice in Wonderland, but without a watch bearing rabbit and a certain destination other than painful splat. No sooner had I thought of said "splat" than my fall was broken by something warm and firm. Actually, two somethings. Like... arms?

    My eyes flew open and locked onto a pair of deep brown ones, concernedly watching my face. Preparing to say something witty or intelligent to this strange new doll holding me, I opened my mouth.

    "Thanks," I said stupidly, "that was like a crazy trust exercise or something." Was now really the moment to quote Olaf?!?!?

    Suddenly, I realized that my arm was around the other doll's neck.

    Before I could say anything else ridiculous, I moved my arm.

    "Oh!" The blonde doll said, helping me sit on his... his what, exactly? Upon closer inspection, I discovered that I was sitting on a plush reindeer.

    "You aren't hurt, are you?"

    "No, I'm Anna! Er, I'm fine," I stammered as the Kristoff doll let go of me. In the process our hands met. It was unnerving and wonderful and terrifying and over before I could decide how I really felt about it.

    "Well, um, I'm Kristoff and this is Sven," Kristoff said, gesturing to the reindeer who was functioning as my seat. Sven greeted me in reindeer noises so I scratched between his antlers.

    "He seems to like you," Kristoff remarked.

    "You think so? Well, I like hi-"

    "HEADS UP!" A shout broke through my sentence as Olaf jumped off of the mantel and landed next to me, upside down, on Sven.

    "Wow, a reindeer," he exclaimed while righting himself. "What's his name?"

    "Sven," Kristoff and I chorused, then laughed. I smiled up at him. 

    "What do you call the reindeer, Sven?"

    "... Yes..." Kristoff said.

    "That's so narcissistic, naming a reindeer after yourself. Sven and Sven. Or... WAIT! Do you call him Yes?"

    "Wait, what?" Kristoff asked, looking utterly confused.

    "Olaf, the reindeer is named Sven. But the blonde guy is named Kristoff," I explained.

    "Oh, wow. I really messed that up, didn't I? Sorry, Kristoff!"

    "It's fine," Kristoff answered. "Anna, how do you feel?"

    "Pretty good, considering I just fell out of the sky," I joked.

    "Do you think you can stand?" Kristoff still seemed very concerned.

    "Yeah, I think so." The concern was cute and mildly distressing.

    He helped me to my feet and kept one hand at my back, supporting me gently.

    I was amazed at how that one action had the power to rid me of any normal thought. 

    "Thanks again," I mumbled, pulling away.

    "No problem."

    "I... erm... unh... I should go. I have to, umm, do... things..." I wished I could just stop talking! Wincing, I walked away. I couldn't stop myself from looking back, though. 

    Maybe I could get to know this Kristoff doll better...


    Sunday, August 2, 2015

    June 20, 2015

    Hello, and welcome to the first ever Just Anna Book Club meeting! Today, Olaf and I will be discussing 2 books that we recently finished reading. Just a warning: there may be spoilers ahead, so if that bothers you, you may want to skip this post. :)
    Without further ado... Fairest by Gail Carson Levine and Lovable Furry Old Grover's Resting Places by Jon Stone.

    Me: Olaf, tell me all about your book!
    Olaf: In my book, Grover takes us on a tour of all of his resting places.
    Me: What is your favorite of Grover's resting places?
    Olaf: I like the ear resting place.

    Me: But, umm, Olaf... you don't have any ears!

    Olaf: I can hear you, can't I?
    Me: ...
    Olaf: So, obviously, I have ears somewhere!
    Me: True!
    Olaf: So, obviously, I can still use the ear resting place.

    Me: Well, my book was Fairest, which is a fabulous retelling of Snow White.
    Olaf: What's your favorite part, Anna?
    Me: Oh, I love it when Aza gets her first kiss!

    Olaf: Has anyone ever kissed you, Anna?
    Me (taken aback): How can they have? You're the only boy I know! But I do love a good fairytale romance...
    Olaf: Oh, okay.

    That's all, everybody! Thanks for reading and we'll see you next time at the Just Anna Book Club!


    Wednesday, July 22, 2015

    June 6, 2015

    I had hoped to go outside again today, but it was far too cloudy and gloomy. The sun peeked through the clouds, but those clouds were big and ominous and threatened rain.

    I looked out the window and sighed. I'd been cooped up inside for more than a month watching MyLittleMegara study for finals. I'd enjoyed being in the room where the humans spent a lot of time, sure, but there's a huge window in that room where I first glimpsed the outside world with Olaf. Today, I'd ventured as far as the sliding door/ window hybrid. I'm not sure what the humans call it. Still, my trip had done nothing but make me feel more trapped- and bored. I began to walk away.

    I still took one last look. I couldn't help it.

    As I was gazing out the window, I heard a familiar voice call "Yoo hoo! Anna!"

    I looked up and laughed.

    "Hello, Olaf!"

    There, peeking around the corner of the bookshelf, was my snowman friend.

    He was way up at the top (how he got up there, I'll never know!) and I knew I couldn't just climb up to where he was. I looked up at the shelf, trying to come up with a solution.

    Before I could think of anything, Olaf jumped. As before, his balance was perfect. I wondered again how he did it.

    I caught him easily, the confidence gained from my excursion in April still flowing through me.

    He sat up and looked at me. Grinning toothily, he thanked me. "Thanks! That was like a crazy trust exercise!"

    "Or something," I laughed.

    "I know what we can do today," Olaf abruptly changed the subject.

    "What?" I was still laughing.

    "That cabinet over there is full of games." Olaf was gesturing to a bit of furniture by the door.

    "Great idea, Olaf!" I half shouted while racing over to the cabinet and pulling out two games: Boggle and Tri-Ominos.

    We chose to start with Boggle.

    Olaf and I sat down with pens and paper and started our game, which I think I won.

    Tri-Ominos ended up being a team effort, trying to get all of the numbered triangles to fit in the pattern. We didn't get all of them but we came close!

    That evening, after we'd played the games again and again, I turned to Olaf.

    "Thank you," I smiled, "thank you so much."

    "For what?" he asked.

    "For everything."

    I started to wonder just how much I had to learn from the little plush snowman.
