Friday, January 22, 2016

October 8, 2015

In late September, I found out that Kristoff could play the Lute. Once I had that knowledge, I made it my mission to convince him to play for me. After several weeks, he finally broke down and agreed.

It was unbelievable! I couldn't believe my ears. I had expected a nice, amateur sound to come out of Kristoff's instrument. Instead, a beautiful, heartfelt melody flew from his fingers. Simple, but rich in tone.

When he finished, I clapped, then looked him dead in the eyes. "That was fantastic."

"Thank you," Kristoff said seriously.

I opened my mouth, about to say something else when a voice broke into our conversation.


It was Olaf.

"Guys, I have to show you this!"

I laughed. "What is it?"

"No," Olaf shouted, "you have to come down here!"

Kristoff and I climbed off of the cabinet and followed the little snowman,

"Look," Olaf whispered, breaking our chain and picking something up off of the ground.

Kristoff and I exchanged a quick glance, then took the paper from him.

"Oh my gosh," I breathed.

"This is you," Kristoff sounded somewhat awestruck.

In our hands was a beautiful portrait of... me.

"Meritre sent it to MyLittleMegara in an email," Olaf explained. "Meritre drew it herself!"

I was stunned speechless. Imagine that somebody enjoyed my blog enough to actually draw a picture of me!

"Well," I said when I finally could, "There's only one way I can think of to really show our thanks." I told the boys my plan, and we got MyLittleMegara to take this picture.

Meritre, thank you so so so so SO MUCH!



  1. Aww, I'm so so happy you guys like it *is over the moon*
    Happy, happy, happy

  2. Oh and before I forget, here is the scanned version of that Phot I promised:

    An here is another gal, Elisabeth. She only exists on paper, though

    1. Although she went through a name change (she's Elinor now) she still exists... I hope one day not only on paper :)
