Tuesday, September 29, 2015

August 19, 2015

I am thrilled to announce the second Just Anna Book Club meeting! Olaf and I will be discussing two new books this time (and once again there may be spoilers.) Ready to go?

My book was Just Ella by Margaret Peterson Haddix and Olaf's was If You Met Snow White by Margo Lundell.

Me: Why did you pick this book, Olaf?
Olaf: Well, when you read that Snow White book last time I wanted to learn more about her character so I decided to read this.
Me: I can't believe I inspired you, that's so great! Okay, what was your favorite part?
Olaf: I love the picture of Snow wading.

Olaf: What got you to read Just Ella?
Me: MyLittleMegara actually met the author and was very excited about it. I overheard her talking about it and asked if I could borrow it. I'm glad I did!
Olaf: What did you like the best?
Me: I loved the part near the end where Ella realizes how wrong she's been about palace life and decides to take her destiny into her own hands, making the best out of an awful situation.

Have you read either of these books? Do you have suggestions for next time? Answer in comments and remember -- thank you so much for joining us at the Just Anna Book Club!



  1. Aww, now I want the Snow White book for my Snow White shelf in my bedroom! She's my favorite princess. (Don't worry, you're still near the top!) I have read Just Ella, but I didn't like it very much. There were some topics mentioned in it that seemed unnecessary to the storyline and just plain gross. I much prefer Ella Enchanted as a Cinderella inspired story. ☺

    1. Ella Enchanted is my all time favorite fairy tale retelling (and MyLittleMegara's, too) but I like Ms. Haddix's Ella for her spunk and determination. Also I like how the story is completely different from what you're expecting at first.... and Jed. Jed is nice.


  2. Hi Anna! I love your book club - I really enjoyed reading Just Ella. :)

    I've nominated you for the Liebster Award on my blog, you can view the details here: https://lifeaccordingtoani.wordpress.com/2015/10/16/the-liebster-award/

    I hope you're having a lovely day!
    Ani (and Cogaroo)

    1. Hi, Ani! Thank you- I really enjoyed reading your blog!

      I'm very excited. :)

